- St. Stephens Episcopal Church Annual Spring Rummage Sale in NMB
- Thursday, May 4th through Saturday, May 6th; times vary
- Furniture, housewares, jewelry, clothing, books and more will be available for purchase!
- Find more details online
- Sun Fun Festival at Plyler Park in Myrtle Beach
- Cinco de Mayo with Chelsey Rene (and EASY Radio) at Abuelo's in Myrtle Beach
- Myrtle Beach Christian Church Car Show & Craft Fair
- Saturday, May 6th; 9am to 2pm
- View classic and new cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles and browse local vendors
- For more information or to register, call 843-236-1121
- 3rd Annual Fiesta 5K Run/Walk with NS Promo and Crooked Hammock Brewery
- Live Music in Memorial Park in Surfside Beach